"Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things but learning another way to think about things." - Flora Lewis

Daily Language Goals

Long-Term Language Goals

Long-term Language Goals

Language Learning Timeline Goals

Using this template

This template outlines your language goals. It has three main features outlining them. The first section is your daily goals, the tasks that you need to do everyday in order to make progress, and your long-term goals such as fluency in a certain language or being able to write in Norwegian or something (I have no idea why you would want to do so, but I will not judge). The second section has a database demonstrates the goals you have yet to do (to start), the goals that are being worked on, and the goals that you have accomplished, nice job ;) The second section has a timeline which demonstrates when you want to start on a goal, by what date you want it to be completed and the time period that you will be working on it. I hope you enjoy this template.